Title: Same Time, Next Year
Characters: Abbigail Borin, Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Warnings: Spoilers of Jurisdiction 7x18, 8x11 Ships in the Night
Rating: all public
Author Notes: These two are too much for my muses. I could not pass up the opportunity!
As always my beta has been
"Next year at the same time?"
Gibbs smiled to hear him say that. A slight smile, almost imperceptible for which there were very attentive and knew the reason for this gesture. Before he left, he offered one last gift.
"Borin ... thanks!" - And stayed to see her leave, still smiling.
several hours had passed since that. Gibbs walked tinkering in the living room when he heard the door.
"You're late" - said without even turned to see who it was.
"Change me to Omagi McGee and I promise that next time I'll be on time" - she replied in a tone of exasperation.
"No knock on my computer. You know the deal" - approached her, kissed her on the cheek and gave her a beer Borin gladly accepted.
"Sure, it's easy for you say. It's one of your kids "- he said sitting comfortably on the couch.
Gibbs sat beside her, leaving her to accommodate in his chest. Clinked with bottles of beer and took them to his mouth to give you a drink time. Without saying a word. It was not necessary.
all started shortly before trial in the case of Jensen. They had to meet to ensure that all strands of the case were tied. After a grueling night of proofreading, Borin had offered him a beer.
"Unless you think your reputation will be affected by being seen around with a CGIS agent" - had challenged.
"My reputation has survived worse, "- he answered, smiling at the redhead.
spent several hours sharing drinks at a bar. Speaking of pointless things. Especially from an old play that she seemed to delight you. Anything that was not working.
Weeks later, without warning he sent an SMS with a simple phrase "next year at the same time?". Gibbs did not know what had prompted him to send that message, but the fact that she got it. That night in the same place, this woman appeared fascinated.
Over time, the evening went to his house. More comfort and less people. Sometimes they talked, discussed other and others were just as now, quietly enjoying each other's company. Even a couple of times, had ended in the bedroom. Neither was it clear that even meant for each other. But one thing was certain: Abigail Borin was not going to get rid of him so easily.