. -N. Six minutes later
El murmullo del coche cesó. La intrépida noche aún reinaba tras los muros de su improvisada carroza. El viento gozaba, bailarín, de otras esencias desconocidas, desagradables e insignificantes. Las estrella resplandecían, aún no suspicion had forgotten the two boys kept playing to burn in the deepest sea of lust, wrapped in the sound of kisses, and the undoubted desire written in the ancient books of their primitive instincts. Their souls are already known. Their bodies and are desired, and burn in response to every touch. Her voice sings for the other words and whispers filled with impatience and shameless and heartfelt longing. His eyes shine with crazy and never before seen need and seek in the sky. And the musician is still waiting. Wait for the response to his casual question, showing the smile on his lips narcissist who dominates, who suddenly dancing tango with uncertainty. Musician expected, and create eternal hope. Precipitate
slammed touch his lips. The tersidad of non absorbed the fiery breath of surprise. The touch of his mouth was vehement in her demand subtle intercepted. Stated need, and commanded the strong craving feverish touch. Erogenous desire distilled wearing those sweet treats - with a simple brush of lips and hot breath fanning the excitement growing in his chest and his groin - the musician lost in his brash, cocky and delightful decontrol , ignoring key musical staves and sol, fa, do, or whatever. Stocking of exotic taste in his mouth, was the proud principal applicant requirements. In that moment where the notes were in the deepest and unforgiving oblivion, Noah postulated to be the perfect candidate - a favorite and only if possible - to achieve occupy the most coveted in the world of instincts and desires, be the prestigious and satisfied owner, - the restless and exasperated receiver - for each of the exquisite and sensuous kisses strongly appealing in its fierce agonizing pleasure and sincere desire.
Any ethologist, hungry to experience silent observer, even the most cretinous organgután with legs, attributed the bad taste pasióny's own dark-haired to the situation. Prove it, the unspeakable talent for crap. Sasha and the animals were vain pianist: in the most literal sense of meaning packed. And the primal, fierce and obscene was the source of the chemical senseless em both bodies ... It was every shiver of delight that prevailed in their bodies, each of the friction of joy that pushed the moaning in her throat. It was this impetuosity impetuous and unscrupulous that gripped their stomachs and turned into pasture for the butterfly was el cosquilleo en los dígitos por el cual creía, - esperaba no equivocarse al suponer; creían – estar rozando el algodón del cielo. Era todo eso y mucho más.
Pero ambos muchachos no eran sólo animales salvajes buscando reconocerse, mimarse, satisfacerse e yacer juntos. Eran innatos talentos; el músico y la melodía. La técnica y la vejez con la frescura de un nuevo e improvisado amanecer repleto de notas llameantes y bailarinas. Y por la forma en que los expertos dígitos seleccionan las notas, y las colocan – con toda la admiración y orgullo del mundo - On the sovereign score, is because Noah can afford the luxury of this arrogant bunch of corny and romances that flooded, while being kissed, with the sensual flavor of the night brighter.
hand on his neck that lit the way to the ecstatic fire. But it was the hand resting own - caught up with tasty that - on the beat that poisoned his soul desires attempts and darker than the night itself, full of unrestrained impatience, struggling not to let themselves be destroyed and simply drag and Common performance. No. Noah was not going to give you the opportunity to rush to fill, without having explained all caballerosía and sensuality, all the care and passion that he, the master musician was able to offer to Sasha. A melody, more yours than ever. Should enjoy, Ely companion of foreplay, the torrent of kisses as he could buy the world at will. Of rumpled sheets and shouting prayers to every touch on the skin of another. The green-eyed, I knew, they would see the stars well before plunging into the fullness of sin and blasphemy prohibited. Noah was a lover betrayed, and for no Miss impatience echaríaa fetish miss the opportunity to anchor this beautiful boy to his side for the whole night, with its myriad of boxes and their orchestras surprise sweet moans and gasps. Drawing
unwanted end - it resistíaa abandon the idea of kissing and being kissed until it decided to separate them forever exploding envy - that kiss that sabíaa glory, the pianist released the ecstatic moan who had been mingling with the foreign language, the gentle bite that spoiled his lip.
My naive witch ... What What beast just released? Noah smiled a little tenderness and a lot of victory, feeling, open your eyes and look to the impetuosity of his glaucous orbs, the pain of their irises dilated. "A the most savage beast and I had the exquisite pleasure of meeting ." Answered for himself, giving way to the silky blond words. I pray that in the midst of this chaos you are still able to see your melody . He was accompanying him prancing beating, cradled in the tender.
- I see it more intense than ever, Sasha. -Alagó desos forward and that his voice hoarse. - I want more of these spectacular kisses. Many more . - I wanted to reflect the attractiveness of their scores. And for that I needed more ... practice.
embarrassed, Noah left the sport black without remorse, only a gentle squeeze an accomplice in the wrong hands, terse anchor ports for your desos. Fervid, searched his pack of cigarettes, he urged black the bohemian control of himself and his smile. At least while crossing the luxury threshold, vestibule, and together with the first cigarette between his lips, the dark-haired Sasha waist shaking in his hands as a pianist. He had led his side with a hand on her waist, and look their cigarettes ranging from Ely, but the rectangular cubicle elevator awarded him the chance to hold it against him, his back imprisons ; NDOS against his chest. His candid breath mingled with the flavor of snuff fueled extreme suggestion stroking his neck.
- Just because Tonight I consider myself the luckiest bastard in the world, it will declare as a good servant of his majesty, if his highness wants some sort of whim. muttered smiling against the skin of his neck, holding the cigarette away from her partner. - But I would rather take to bed and start now ... to venerate.
gently pushed the boy out of the elevator, guiding, even in the same position of ownership, to the door. That building was pure luxury in itself, as a five star hotel for the wealthy, and ático de Noah no desentonaba con sus fantásticas vistas de la ciudad. Elegante y moderno a partes iguales, sin embargo manteniendo el aire bohemio característico de su propietario con las numerosas estatuillas de mujeres afroamericanas, de gatos, de mariposas dibujadas en las paredes y en los cuadres, de guitarras decorando paredes y de partituras improvisadas sobre paredes completas. Así era el pequeño mundo de Noah. Pero ya le dejaría cotillear a su gusto más tarde... Apagó el cigarrillo inacabado con brusquedad en el primer cenicero encontrado; ya no necesitaba calmarse.
- La habitación del fondo es su real room, your majesty. Effusive
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