SiWon siempre habia sido especial para DongHae sólo que nunca le habia expresado muy bien sus sentimientos, por lo que drenó todo aquello que sentia escribiendo una carta, una carta que tenia dueño más no un destinatario -aunque en el fondo deseaba que él la leyera-.
Habló con EunHyuk y despues de grandes batallas mentales decidió que le mostraría la letter.
"accidentally" left it among his things, so Siwon read it and he knew it.
days passed and with so much movement between concerts, fanmeetings, shows and more had not had the time to talk about the letter .
Until the day finally came, they were alone in his apartment, writing all sorts of things to compose a song for the new album.
both thought the same thing.
The happy letter.
But Donghae spoke breaking the deafening silence that covered the room.
"Hey, we have something to talk about" -looking floor-
"Of what?" -Siwon answered looking up, with one of his signature gestures,
"In ... the .. and you know!" pointing to the letter -lip-
"Oh! I was thinking the same thing. Okay, let's talk .. "-smiles placidly while taking the letter and begins to read aloud
" SIWOOOOOOOON ... NOOOOOO" -comenzó a gritar el pez algo agitado-
"Estás loco? Que rayos sucede?” -dijo Siwon con un gesto de susto, sorpresa y confusión ante tal grito-
"No la leas.. Quemémosla" -dijo Hae sonriendo para luego ocultar su rostro con las manos. SiWon lo observaba seriamente sin decir palabra-
"Ok, leela.. pero... mejor NO! Ya sé, yo la leeré. Será como en las peliculas, tu lees la carta pero en realidad se escucha mi voz en el fondo de algún lugar" -este comentario infantil los hizo reir a ambos, pero el caballo indomable (?) parecia no ceder-
"NO!" -bufó SiWon-
"Dije que YO la leeré y punto!" -habló Hae esta vez levantando el tono de voz, cosa que no solia hacer, más sin embargo ambos sabian que ese tono era en broma-
"Está bien" -SiWon algo divertido le correspondió la carta-
Así, comenzó a leerla.
. . .
CAP Ú unique-. What Donghe Think ~
After spending the day at the home of Siwon, I arrived home with popcorns jumping on my head, each one with different thoughts. They were something like the pop-up ads that come when entering a website.
- For Siwon cried?
- I said something inappropriate?
- not liked what I said? Being
him a person that at times it is so difficult show their 'true' feelings, "Unlike me, they cry even in a movie marathon Leonardo Di Caprio, to read the letter plazma days ago had my thoughts about it.
{where talking about because his presence made me happy and sometimes, just sometimes, if clear-what jealous with Heechul}
I realized that his eyes were red.
while reading the letter die of shame, he had never done anything like it. I was confessing my love to someone through letter, and that person was a man, one of my best friends, a coworker, y. .. A letter was typical of a kindertgarden. But must tell of one form or another. Something
filled, "presence" gave me the courage to speak directly.
Although I felt like a 3 year old boy who drew a heart without a napkin with tomato sauce.
Pezpe Grillo told me from my left shoulder:
"Speak, for it may mean much more than you can imagine. Which can express these words face to face "
even remember that one time when I took the glance of the words to see his face, something I should not do, a thin and delicate lá grime skirted his cheek leaving a trail from her eyes to the chin.
Everything was going so well, I was surprised because my voice had not shaken since I started to read, but to mourn him, my heart broke and burst into tears in my eyes ended. At that time
my voice was so flushed that out, you could hear a little shaky when I managed to get out of my mouth until I recovered and was beginning to pick up strength again.
I arrived at the end of the letter could not remember what he had written, because I have a somewhat retentive ... broken-read what was coming and my voice had been hidden again, what he meant but did not go out beyond the throat.
constantly looked around me admiring the "landscape"-was his living room with 4 honey-colored walls around us, and him in front of me with a look that would shout "Say." Inhale deeply and
Siwon I, I Love You ~
I felt that I sail in a sea of peace, and my soul is freed from a hook uncomfortable. I could breathe again. More though, I noticed his eyes and fled the area.
I got home, I opened the door, threw out the shoes, went upstairs, I let go of all my clothes, I went into the tub, and all that crossed my mind. I smiled-
I remembered that after saying this does not let Siwon react and I ran like a fool. I did not need words to her because I can read eyes, and closed his eyes, he shouted "I LOVE YOU."
I panicked, believing it would not be reciprocated, but ... No this can not be returned.
Siwon, this conversation is not over! ~
-bell rang and a voice calling my name, voice -
The best Decisions Are Made Without think
Made by the elf That lives at the end of my rainbow ~
Images by Tumblr.
Made by the elf That lives at the end of my rainbow ~
Images by Tumblr.
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