Saturday, October 9, 2010

Vezon Buiding Intructions

Coffee & Vanilla ~ ~ Think & Feel

. Imagine what you read; Feel what you write .

Read every word written by that person capable of tying up your eyes to letters together with passion. A person who has reached your heart with "I love you" of someone, that makes you find a dictionary to find infinite meanings of 'true' word not encotraba in your dialect, so you should choose the one you think it fits better and making you part in his work, makes you shed tears filled with new feelings, I make jokes using advanced in reading, takes you to exotic locations, filled peace, his words are music to your ears, candy for the palate, invite you to tune your mind to enter the real world and in some invented world in which even think it's easier live.
If only the writing come true, there exists many alternative worlds, we could die and revive one another, be a super hero have a celebrity as a couple, visiting anywhere in the world in seconds.

Reading is a trance where the mind comes to renew, to recover perhaps the sense of reality ~

Write by any implement on any surface. Having the ability to create situations experienced by anyone, let your free hand guided by the character that you have given life, meet new faces created by your imagination, make new friends along the way in which unlink history, be able to transport to those worlds together with a pencil, writing only aquello que a medida que recorres el lugar observas como se va creando el paisaje. Quien tiene el don de escribir mundos tan fantásticos recibe la recompensa de alguien que complacido lee aquello en lo que tú viviste un largo tiempo -mentalmente hablando- Dar viajes gratuitos a mentes pobres, tener una imaginación inagotable que siempre está trabajando para finalizar obras en las que sin necesidad de ver, oler o sentir pueden hacerlo abriendo su mente a todas las palabras que avanzan desde un simple lienzo a un nuevo receptor.

De la mente al lápiz, del lápiz a la hoja, de la hoja a los sentidos, de los sentidos a la mente. Siendo letras que en cualquier idioma llegan from one world to another world. For every head is different.

Read Inspired Me To Write ~

Made Who Lives by the elf at the end of my rainbow


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